New Video: "Waiting"
Check out our newest video called "Waiting". What if...
Teacher Talk with Amanda Bowser, 2016 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year Runner-Up
2016 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year Runner-Up and Broken Arrow Public Schools District Teacher of the Year, Amanda Bowser, shares how her...
Teacher Talk with USAO Future Educators
We recently visited with some future educators at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Watch...
TLM Campaign Founder Selected as Oklahoma's 2016 Teacher of the Year
Well, friends, as many of you may have already heard, I have been selected as Oklahoma's 2016 Teacher of the Year. I'm truly honored and...

TLM featured on Podcast On Your Plan
I had the honor of being featured on the English Language Arts Oklahoma (ELAOK) Podcast On Your Plan on Sunday July 19th. The host is...

How to Participate in #TeachLikeMe Day
1) Sign up to participate on our Facebook Event Page. 2) Download one of our Profile Pictures. 3) Change your profile picture on all...

We want YOU to be in our next video!
Teach Like Me Day is coming soon! In preparation for it, we have a new video idea and we want educators from all across the globe to be...
Educator PSA Video
The Teach Like Me Campaign is focused on spreading positivity in the educator profession, but that doesn't mean we're ignoring the big...
New Profile Pic for Future Educators!
Our campaign is focused on improving teacher recruitment, so naturally, we need a custom profile pic for all the future educators out...

Sign Up for the 2nd Annual Teach Like Me Day!
The Second Annual Teach Like Me Day will be on May 5th, 2015. On that day, we ask that educators and supporters change their profile...