Getting Legit
Slowly but surely, the Teach Like Me Campaign is getting legit. We've filed our Articles of Incorporation, which is the first step towards becoming a non-profit organization and are happy to report that step one is complete! We are now Teach Like Me, Inc!

Why seek non-profit status? Well, there's so much more that we want to do. We want to keep producing videos that showcase teaching at its finest, but that takes money and time. We were blessed to receive support from Okie photographer (an amazingly talented one at that), Shane Bevel (Shane Bevel Photography, LLC) and the stellar production guys, Doug, Alan and Scott, at Flying Colors ( for our latest video series. Check out the two 30-second videos these guys produced for us:
Teach Like Me Educator Series (Part 1)
Teach Like Me Educator Series (Part 2)
Once we obtain non-profit status, we want to provide professional learning experiences that are unique, engaging, and responsive to the needs of educators and the communities and students they serve. Our professional learning efforts will differ from professional development offered by local schools and/or districts because they will reduce the financial burden of attending/offering professional development and be offered at times that are more convenient for teachers (evenings/weekends/breaks etc.) and their respective schools.
In addition to offering education-related professional development, Teach Like Me, Inc.’s events will strive to boost morale among current and future educators with the goal of improving teacher recruitment and retention efforts.
So that's it in a nut shell. We have big dreams of redefining and professionalizing the work of educators. And with your support, we think we can do it! We sincerely thank each and every one of you for your support, your posts, your videos, and your love. We know that you know what's at stake. So stay tuned, friends...