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16 #TeachLikeMe Posts from 2016

2016 was a heck of a year. While there were many ups and downs, educators continued to share their love for their work by posting positively using #TeachLikeMe. Here are sixteen of our favorite posts from Instagram this year. And if you want to see what other educators and future teachers had to say on Facebook and Twitter, just search the hashtag!

1. "Are you sure you want to teach? You're too smart to be a teacher! You could make way more money." I hear all of these and more the moment I tell people I want to be a teacher. Here are my answers. I have never been more sure of anything in my life. Do you not want your child to be taught by the smartest person you know?"

2. "Today we remember the thrill of seeing the light in a student's eye when they finally 'get it'!"

3. "#Lazar teachers participate in national #TeachLikeMe campaign!"

4. "I teach because years ago, I had some amazing teachers that taught me so much more than academics."

5. "We teach to engage, empower, and change the future!"

6. "I couldn't have done this without ALL my outstanding students!"

7. "So this weekend I did a thing... with some amazing people. #Graduation #MyVillage #NSUAlumnus #FutureEducator #TeachLikeMe #YoungBlackANDEducated"

8. "Hungry Hippo Review!"

9. "I teach because I make a difference in the lives of the kids who need it the most."

10. "Absolutely love who I work with."

11. "#teachlikeme and make a difference in the life of a child."

12. "Those gestures you give when you're giving a lecture in the Senate Chambers of the Old Capitol!"

13. "Not one to let a little bronchitis hold me back, I decided to use my day off to say 'Thank you' to two teachers who I admire and respect immensely!"

14. "I work with some pretty amazing people!"

15. "Rocking our @teachlikeme shirts for #teacherappreciationweek"

16. And simply put: "#teachlikeme"

There are hundreds of great pics and posts from 2016, so check them all out by searching #TeachLikeMe on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to see more! Don't forget to sign up to participate in the 4th Annual #TeachLikeMe Day Facebook Event and keep posting positively in 2017!

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